Our Mission and Goals


Our Mission Statement

The Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship envisions a society that acts to achieve lives of quality for all citizens. We inspire and inform social change by creating a passion and culture for inclusion. We work with the community, government, and the private sector to secure justice, equality, and well-being of all citizens.

Our Strategic Goals

We are committed to research, learning, and knowledge exchange.


  • conduct high quality, impactful research in the area of intellectual and developmental disability informed by the priorities and identified needs of the community living sector (provincially, nationally, and internationally) that attends to issues of diversity
  • support existing partnerships and facilitate new partnerships to advance knowledge and practice to improve the lives of children, youth and adults with I/DD and their families
  • build research infrastructure and capacity in Canada in the area of I/DD research


  • provide leadership and partnership opportunities for forums, Institutes, conferences, and symposiums aimed at increasing dialogue and knowledge on critical issues to the community living sector
  • secure research (and other) funding to provide undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral training and research opportunities (e.g., work study positions, research assistantships, practicums, and participation in community learning events and Institutes)

Knowledge Exchange

  • engage in innovative knowledge translation and knowledge mobilization activities (KT/KM) that includes self advocates (individuals with I/DD) to ensure that KT/KM is low barrier and accessible (e.g., plain language documents)