The Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship endorses Vulnerable Persons Standard to protect vulnerable Canadians in right-to-die legislation.

The Vulnerable Persons Standard contains a series of safeguards that will help to ensure that Canadians requesting assistance from physicians to end their life can do so without jeopardizing the lives of vulnerable persons who may be subject to coercion and abuse. We are calling on all members of Parliament to ensure that federal legislation regulating physician-assisted death incorporate these safeguards.

Tim Stainton, Director of the Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship, and Professor, School of Social Work, University of British Columbia is an Advisor to the Vulnerable Persons Standard.

“The forthcoming legislation on assisted dying is arguably  the most important piece of legislation in decades.  The consequences of getting it wrong has the potential of putting the lives of Canada’s most vulnerable at serious, ongoing and potentially increasing risk.  The Supreme Court recognized that protecting the Vulnerable was a central and legitimate purpose in any such legislative regime.  The Vulnerable Person Standard presents a reasoned, efficient and effective means of ensuring such protections are in place.  Unfortunately the evidence is clear that Canada’s most vulnerable have been victims of both stigma and exclusion in the health system and that the social determinants of exclusion-poverty, inferior educational and employment outcomes and a lack of sufficient and appropriate supports contribute to and enhances their vulnerability.  The VPS ensures that such vulnerability does not result in the ultimate exclusion.”  Tim Stainton

To learn more and Endorse the Standard see more at