Dis-Able Womens’ Network (DAWN Canada) in collaboration with various partners have spent the last three years working in thirteen communities across Canada with DAWN InFocus initiative to gain a better understanding of the nature and extent of abuse experienced by women with disabilities / disabled women (WWD/DW) in Canada. A clear message that has emerged from this community research is that beyond the urgent need to create a national network of resources including accessible shelters and transition houses, there is a need to address the alarming rates of secondary systemic violence experienced by WWD/DW due to gaps in service provision.
Based on a collaborative approach, the LPS Project will work to develop coordinated response strategies to better address the needs of WWD/DW experiencing secondary system violence in British Columbia, Ontario and Québec. With support from a National Advisory Committee, provincial/community working groups will implement a common approach for reviewing existing policies and programs, analyzing gaps in services and considering the best practices and proven models. Response strategies will be developed in consultation with key stakeholders, including policy-makers, service providers and women with disabilities/deaf women. Proven models and approaches used will be shared nationally for future replications across Canada. The Centre for Inclusion and Citizenship is pleased to partner with DAWN in the project.