
December 2018

The Benefits to Hiring Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities


Employment is important for all people as it provides a sense of purpose and meaningful contribution to society. People with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) often face employer discrimination when searching for work. This report summarizes a study completed for a master’s thesis in the School of Social Work at the University of British Columbia Okanagan.

In the study, employers who have hired and retained employees with ID were interviewed on their experiences. The goal of the study was to learn about the benefits associated with hiring people with ID, and to obtain advice from experienced employers to provide information to hesitant employers. Negative stereotypes about people with ID can be challenged with knowledge on how people with ID contribute to the workforce. The findings from the study can be used to educate hesitant employers on the benefits to hiring people with ID, with the hope of improving employment rates for people with ID.

The Benefits to Hiring Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities – Employers’ Perspectives Report 2018

The Benefits to Hiring Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities – Employers’ Perspectives Brochure 2018


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