Mapping Inclusive Employment Practices for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: A Participatory Research Mapping Approach

This project is developing, implementing and testing an online interactive database, The BC Employment Mapping Tool, that will function as an accessible, searchable online mapping database of best practices concerning the employment of people with developmental disabilities. The tool is being designed to serve as a resource for service providers (employment and community living providers), employers, individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, as well as policy makers to learn and to share examples of innovation in the area of employment, including examples of how to best support individuals in preparing for employment and/or examples of how employers can address barriers to support for individuals with disabilities. The project team is currently consulting with self advocates to develop the website, and pilot the site in groups to gain input on the website’s accessibility and usability. The online tool will ‘go live” in 2015, for others to publicly add their employment experiences.

Video Introduction of the project

Investigators: Rachelle Hole, Jon Corbett, Tim Stainton, Shawn de Raaf

Research Team: Sara Lige