CIC is a partner orgainzation of the IASSIDD Academy on Education, Teaching and Research

The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ( IASSIDD)

Academy on Education, Teaching and Research

Mission:To set up and to provide education and training experiences in the form of workshops, courses, seminars, and lectures. The Academy may also offer hands-on consultation.

The Academy particularly strives to:

  • Further the knowledge of disability professionals around the world.
  • Address the education and training needs of disability professionals and organizations in less affuent countries.
  • Assist disability professionals to apply research and scientific knowledge to their policies and services, and to the lives of individuals and families they support.
  • Foster capacity for research, generating knowledge, and developing research-based policy and practice.

Find out more about the IASSIDD Academy

See the Academy PartnersIASSIDDAcademy (web