Transitioning Youth with Disabilities and Employment – TYDE



Opening Doors. The Transitioning Youth with Disabilities and Employment (TYDE) project empowers young people with disabilities to find meaningful paid work, unlocking the door to a world of possibilities.

 Career Construction and Life Design Self Determination and 21st Century Work-Life Skills – A Keynote Address by Dr. Michael Wehmeyer

TYDE – February 2019 Newsletter

TYDE – December 2018 Newsletter


Find out more at

The TYDE Project is a research project of key partners committed to improving the employment outcomes of transitioning youth with intellectual disabilities (ID) and/or autism spectrum (ASD) disorder in BC. This important and timely initiative aligns with Provincial priorities to enhance and foster the inclusion and citizenship of youth with disabilities transitioning from high school to adult life. This initiative addresses a significant social issue in Canada where working age individuals with ID and/or ASD represent the most unemployed and underemployed citizens in Canada. In 2012, only 22.3% of individuals with ID and/or ASD indicated some kind of paid employment. As a State Signatory of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Canada has a responsibility to recognize and promote the rights of persons with disabilities to work on an equal basis with other citizens. And, the TYDE Project aligns with significant provincial initiatives: e.g., Accessibility 2024 (, the Presidents Group (, and the Minister’s Council o Employment and Accessibility (

The TYDE Project is an excellent fit with the priorities of research excellence and community engagement outlined in the UBC’s strategic plan, Place and Promise, as well as UBC Okanagan’s strategic plan, ASPIRE. The TYDE Project supports UBC’s commitments to supporting research partnerships that will impact policy and advance economic, social and cultural well-being and health. The TYDE Project is a collaborative interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral research network that seeks to inform policy and practice to achieve improved labour market participation of individuals with ID and/or ASD.

Current partners of TYDE (listed alphabetically) include:

Of note, we value and prioritize the inclusion of self advocates – transitioning youth with ID and/or ASD – and family members in the planning and implementation of this project as well as the sharing of findings locally, provincially, nationally and internationally.

Research Team: Dr. Rachelle Hole (UBC O School of Social Work), Dr. Joan Bottorff (UBC O School of Nursing), Dr. Leyton Schnellert (UBC O Education),  Dr. Tim Stainton (UBC V School of Social Work), Dr. Richard Young (UBC V Educational Counselling and Psychology and Special Education),  Dr. Jose Domene (University of Calgary, Education), Dr. Steven Barnes (UBC V Psychology), Dr. Robert Williamson (Simon Fraser University, Education), Dr. Cameron Crawford (Independent Research Consultant).

Graduate Research Assistants on the project include: Leilani Forby (UBC Psychology PhD student), Sandra Polushin (Simon Fraser University PhD student), Sue Sterling-Bur (UBC O PhD student), Emily Giroux (UBC O PhD student),  Jennifer Kwok (UBC BSc Computer Science student).

Self Advocate Consultants include: Shameera Rosal (UBC O Steps Forward Student), Erin Boe (Pacific Autism Family Centre), Jose Figueroa (Inclusion Langley Society), SF Walker (Pacific Autism Family Centre), David Johnston (BC People First), Colton Sterling-Moses.